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Voyager is a crypto asset trading and investment platform that offers retail and institutional investors access to an extensive selection of digital currencies, as well as traditional assets like stocks and ETFs. The platform’s primary focus is on the US market, and its regulatory compliance is robust, ensuring the safety of clients’ funds.

The Founders and Team Behind Voyager

The co-founders of Voyager are Stephen Ehrlich and Oscar Salazar, both of whom have extensive experience in the finance and technology industries. Stephen was a CEO of a successful trading firm, and Oscar was a founding member and CTO of Uber. The team comprises individuals with experience in finance, technology, and blockchain, which ensures the platform’s smooth operation.

The Features of the Voyager Platform

Voyager offers many features to retail and institutional investors. Firstly, the platform has an extensive selection of 60+ digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many others. Secondly, Voyager offers commission-free trading; this feature is not common among most platforms. Thirdly, the platform has implemented strict security measures to ensure the safety of clients’ funds. Voyager is registered with FinCEN, SEC, and other regulatory bodies, and they comply with their guidelines.

The Voyager Token (VGX)

The Voyager Token (VGX) is the native cryptocurrency of the platform. The token has a utility value, and users who hold the token get discounts on trading fees. Moreover, holding a specific amount of VGX tokens allows users to get access to exclusive features, such as earning interest on their digital assets.

The Voyager Interest Program

The Voyager interest program is an innovative feature that allows users to earn interest on their digital assets. This program is akin to borrowing and lending in the traditional finance market. Investors can lend their digital assets to the Voyager platform, and the platform lends these assets to trusted companies, generating a profit. Investors earn a portion of the profits generated by the program.


Voyager is a reliable and secure platform that offers access to a wide selection of digital assets. The platform’s commission-free trading, strict regulatory compliance, and innovative features such as the Voyager interest program make it an attractive option for retail and institutional investors. Furthermore, the platform’s team is experienced and dedicated, which ensures the platform’s smooth operation. Overall, Voyager is an outstanding choice for anyone interested in investing and trading in digital assets.

免责声明: 文章源于会员发布,不作为任何投资建议


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上一篇 2023年7月9日
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