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"每个家, 都有一种书写爱的方式。家,充满情感和记忆。家是生活和成长的地方,每时每刻都会留下感情和记忆。""Every family has a way of writing love. Home, full of emotions and memories.Home is a place to live and grow up, with feelings and memories every moment."

村上春树说:“总之岁月漫长,然而值得等待。”有时候,只有经历了岁月,才能更准确地找到内心。"All in all, it was a long time, but worth the wait," Murakami said. Sometimes, only through the years, can we more accurately find the heart.

"结婚的幸福是来自夫妻间的心有灵犀一点通”。——巴尔扎克 ,1200㎡汤臣一品Penthouse。The happiness of marriage is when a mind acts when a mind is not intended.– Balzac,One hundred two hundred flat Penthouse tomson.



而之于汤臣一品的住户,则是花5年时间为夫人修一处“明亮干净”。所谓豪宅,不仅指房子本身,还有因爱而生的幸福感。Tomson's residents spend five years building a "bright and clean" house for their wives.The so-called luxury, not only refers to the house itself, but also because of love and happiness.

辗转经年,Designwire解读和见证了众多国内外豪宅的产生:不断刷新的价格、不断革新的高度;对奢华的重塑、对审美的引领、对艺术的诠释……但最撼动人心的,还是那些空间里承载的“爱的厚度”。Over the years, Designwire has read and witnessed the creation of luxury homes in China and abroad: new prices, new heights; The remodeling of luxury, the guidance of aesthetics, the interpretation of art… But the most shocking thing is the "thickness of love" carried in those Spaces.

工作使然,在面对汤臣一品时,业主夫人只说了四个字:明亮干净。于是,房子里没有一株绿植,因为会有飞虫;没有一块地毯,因为会隐藏尘螨……The job makes like that, when facing tomson one tastes, owner madam said 4 words only: bright and clean. Therefore, there is not a plant in the house, because there will be flying insects; No carpet because it hides dust mites…



柔和的曲线、花瓣的造型、斑斓的色调,彰显着艺术家Dave Chihuly强烈的艺术风格,做为主视觉,搭配极简风家具,让干净有的放矢。Soft curves, petal shapes and colorful colors highlight the strong artistic style of artist Dave Chihuly. With minimalist furniture, it makes clean and targeted.

“对于美,每个人的观点都会不同,在我太太,就是绝美的干净明亮。而我要做的,就是根据她的要求,高难度的去实现这四个字。”"Everyone has different ideas about beauty. In my wife's case, it's beautifully clean and bright. And I have to do, is according to her requirements, high difficulty to achieve these four words."

他首先选择了水晶:百年品牌法国莱俪 (Lalique)。让它们出现在不同的地方,为了一种让人舒服的气质,也为了一抹干净通透的空间底色。Crystal was his first choice: the century-old French brand Lalique. Let them appear in different places, for a comfortable temperament, but also for a clean and transparent space background.



有净气,风度自来、干干净净、清清白白,舒服别人,更取悦自己。Have clean gas, demeanor come clean, clean.Please others, please yourself more.

沙发茶几融入<神秘面庞>嵌片,是René Lalique于1935年设计的作品,体现了热爱女性和大自然的想象力。The sofa coffee table is integrated into the "Mysterious Faces" panel, a 1935 design by Rene Lalique that embodies a love of women and the imagination of nature.

除此之外,音乐亦是这里的重要存在,因为夫妇二人都喜欢。于他看来,将爱好融于空间,是家的温度。In addition, music is also an important presence here, because the couple enjoy it. In his view, the hobby into space, is the temperature of home.



所以才有了位于客厅一侧的PixCell Bass大提琴,将水晶镶嵌于小提琴的表面,呈现出3D像素化的视觉效果,也为空间带来一种缥缈的唯美质感,让人不禁联想到他的代表作“像素细胞-鹿”。Therefore, there is the PixCell Bass cello located at the side of the living room. Crystals are inlaid on the surface of the violin, presenting a 3D pixelated visual effect and bringing an ethereal aesthetic texture to the space, which reminds people of his masterpiece "Pixel cell – Deer".

耳顺之年,所闻皆通,又加之国内外不同的生活阅历,给了他们许多审美上的养分和灵感,知道什么是车马喧,也知道如何在心里修篱种田。所以屋主将艺术注入空间,阐释干净:悦己,也悦生活。In their years of listening, they are familiar with everything they have heard, and their different life experiences at home and abroad have given them a lot of aesthetic nutrients and inspirations. They know what a car is and how to cultivate a field in their mind. Therefore, the owner of the house will inject art into the space, clean interpretation: happy with yourself, happy life.

纯白的餐厅,依然有水晶的身影,干净、简洁,仿佛自带一种阳光属性,让人充满活力、希望。吊灯依然出自艺术家Dave Chihuly之手,纯白的色彩、极具张力的造型,彰显了自然主义的生机勃勃。Pure white dining room, still have crystal figure, clean, concise, as if to bring a kind of sunshine attribute, let a person be full of vitality, hope. The chandelier, again by artist Dave Chihuly, shows the vitality of naturalism with its pure white color and extremely tense shape.



与餐厅同样极具现代色彩的厨房,在这里业主做了大胆且创新的设计,他赋予中间镂空艺术性,增加了不锈钢桥,天花亦以直角为造型拼接延续,兼具美观与实用功能。Have contemporary colorific kitchen with dining-room extremely likewise, owner did bold and innovative design here, he endowing middle hollow-out artistic quality, increased stainless steel bridge, smallpox also is modelling join together continuation with right Angle, hold both beautiful and practical function.

嘉格纳以现代柔和的造型延展而出,坚固的不锈钢材质和玻璃塑造的大胆线条,门的设计没有任何手柄,只需轻触显示屏即可将门打开。The Jagna is extended in a modern soft shape, with solid stainless steel and bold lines of glass. The door is designed without any handle and can be opened by tapping the display screen.

操作台更是打破了传统造型,背后是极具现代感的嘉格纳烤箱及酒柜,曾经一幅经典海报,直接将卢浮宫蒙娜丽莎的位置替换成400蒸烤组合,因其将门体设计堪称传世画作。The operation platform breaks the traditional shape, and behind it are the modern Gagner oven and wine cabinet. Once, a classic poster directly replaced the position of The Louvre Mona Lisa with the 400 steaming and baking combination, because the door design can be regarded as a masterpiece.



嘉格纳嵌入式酒柜融入厨房,包含两个温度区、一个展示灯,能够容纳34瓶葡萄酒。玻璃门的设计保护葡萄酒免受紫外线的伤害。Integrated into the kitchen, the Gagner built-in wine cabinet contains two temperature zones, a display light and can hold 34 bottles of wine. Glass doors are designed to protect the wine from uv rays.

早茶厅|玫瑰金门套,由顶级顶级贴膜材质而成,在阳光照射下,倍添温暖。艺术和空间是一个完美的组合。Morning tea | rose golden door set, made of top top film material, in the sun, times add warmth.Art and space are a perfect match.

“5年,一套房子我与CCD设计合作了5年,期间从没有换过设计师。”屋主说。他们一直在摸索生活与明亮干净之间的平衡,更在寻求个人情感与艺术沉淀之间和解的表达方式。"Five years, one house. I worked with CCD design for five years, and I never changed designers." The owner said. They have been groping for a balance between bright and clean life, more in the search for personal feelings and artistic precipitation between the expression of reconciliation.



楼梯犹如一场梦幻之旅的升华,而后便是随着四时变化映入室内的不同光景,为生活平添趣味。之所以选水晶而非亚克力,是因为屋主看到了苹果店里的亚克力楼梯,无论透光度还是牢固性都远不及水晶,亚克力会随着日照的时间、强烈程度而变形。The staircase is like the sublimation of a dream journey, and then it is reflected into the different scenes of the room as the four changes, adding interest to life.The reason for choosing crystal over acrylic is that the owner saw the acrylic staircase in the Apple store, which is far less transparent and firm than crystal, and acrylic will be deformed with the time and intensity of the sun.

每一个踏板都是一块厚4公分的LALIQUE定制装饰片,天花则是宛若蛇造型的不锈钢艺术灯,用反差营造一种纯粹空间感。“就像我前面说的,我家女主人喜欢干净明亮,所以有大量的水晶,我选LALIQUE是因为她不仅典雅,还高贵。”Each pedal is a 4cm thick LALIQUE custom decorative piece, and the ceiling is a stainless steel art lamp shaped like a snake, creating a sense of pure space with contrast."As I said before, my mistress likes to be clean and bright, so there are plenty of crystals. I chose LALIQUE because she is not only elegant, but also noble."

二层主要的休闲区和影音室都遵循主人的审美及喜好设计:与其乱花迷人眼,不如大道至简单,贴合夫妇俩的心性。The main leisure area and audio-visual room on the second floor are designed according to the owner's aesthetic and preference: instead of flowers and charming eyes, it is better to keep the road simple and fit the couple's heart.



床品则选用Celso de Lemos羽毛图案,设计精致生动,又因无与伦比的卓越品质,给人奢华舒适的享受以及无限想象。The bed is made of Celso de Lemos feather pattern. The design is exquisite and vivid, and because of the incomparable excellent quality, it gives people the luxury and comfortable enjoyment and infinite imagination.

主卧空间可以说是屋主完全为夫人打造,弃用漆质转而以意大利皮质从墙面一直延伸至屋顶,避免因时间和空气的冷日交替产生的裂痕,柔和温婉且整体干净。Advocate lie a space to say is house advocate is made completely for madam, abandon lacquer qualitative turn with Italian coriaceous all the time from metope outspread housetop, avoid the crack that produces alternately because of time and air cold day, downy wen wan and whole is clean.

化妆台组合亦是LALIQUE的<葡萄>系列,让人联想起酒神巴克斯,此系列唤起了大自然与生活相互融合的艺术。卫生间极具个性,黑白颜色、不锈钢台盆,无一不为这里注入浓浓的现代气息。The dressing table group is also part of LALIQUE's "Grapes" collection, reminiscent of bacchus, which evokes the art of integrating nature with life.Toilet has individual character extremely, basin of stage of black and white color, stainless steel, without infuse thick contemporary breath for here.



“我用水晶造墙,是为了营造隐私和欣赏外面窗景的平衡。”当夜幕降临,外滩自是霓虹幻影,而这一切光影又恰巧与这水晶结合,在沐浴之时,在透与不透之间,唯美至极。"I made the walls with crystals to create a balance between privacy and the view from the Windows outside." When the night falls, the Bund itself is a neon phantom, and all these lights and shadows happen to be combined with this crystal, in the bath, between the thorough and not thorough, only the United States.

透过自然,不仅有助于提升居室格调,也有助于加深对美好生活的感悟。艺术的气质、干净的质感,他用这样的底色,开启了整个家。Through nature, it not only helps to improve the style of the living room, but also helps to deepen the perception of a better life. Artistic temperament, clean texture, he used such a background, opened the whole home.

而艺术,则是唯一的点缀,无论是定制的家具还是空间里的科技感,每一寸的设计都是屋主亲力亲为,通向五官五感的精神享受。Art, however, is the only ornament. No matter the custom furniture or the sense of science and technology in the space, every inch of design is done by the owner himself, leading to the spiritual enjoyment of five senses and five senses.



在内,是一窗一屏一天地的明朗、舒畅;是一蓑烟雨任平生的宁静致远,不张扬的心安处。Inside, is a window a screen day by day bright, comfortable; Is an alpine rain ren life of quiet Zhiyuan, not publicity of peace of mind.

在外,是一面外滩与黄浦江的恢宏气魄,一面小陆家嘴繁华的流光溢彩,作为世界金融中心上空的汤臣一品,‘上海最贵’由此起源。Outside, it is one side of the Bund and huangpu River's magnificent spirit, one side of the small Lujiazui prosperous time overflow, as the world financial center over the Tomson one product, 'Shanghai's most expensive' from this origin.

“这里靠江,视野开阔,又处于繁华地带,一层一户,生活很便利。我认为生活便利是非常重要的,然后是和家人温馨的生活在一起。”"It is close to the river and has a broad vision. It is also located in a prosperous area. I think it's very important to have a convenient life, and then a warm life with your family."











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